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A few new papers praise our open-source software, OpenPTV


Why would someone in academia invest time in open-source software? It does not make a CV longer, it does not bring grants, and most of the time it's only our "waste of time". I could write a research proposal, a program that does our data analysis, specifically for our needs, write a paper, write or grade exams - doing what's needed.

Instead, we invest a lot of time in developing and even more time in maintaining open-source software projects, OpenPIV, OpenPTV, PyPTV, PIVPy, etc. That's true that these are also used in the lab to achieve our scientific goals faster or more efficiently, but their maintenance for the broad community is quite time-consuming.

My personal view as a head of the Turbulence Structure Laboratory is that it's a very narrow view of the topic. I learned through time that open-source software connects me to the world and to the broad community of very interesting people. A lot of new ideas are coming out by someone "standing on the shoulders of our developments" (we're not giants of course) and takes it a step forward. Sometimes it's a small step, but many times it's really a neat development that helps new communities.

This happened with OpenPIV - where we see derivatives such as cell velocimetry, cell traction force analysis, geomechanics, volcanoes, rivers, granular materials, ice sliding, and many other applications.

Now it's also happening to the OpenPTV - it's now in size measurements for bubbles, droplets, particles, for wave breaking phenomena, jets and wakes, 3D flows in human aorta phantoms, swirling flows of the LADs, and so on and so forth.

These papers are just a small sample of what happened in February 2023:

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