Open source
"We support and promote open source and open science. We believe in reproducible and efficient science, where the code, data, and protocols are shared rather than hidden from each other and where we focus on the best next study using verified and community-supported tools. "
OpenPIV is an open source particle image velocimetry project. It was originally written by the head of the lab, Prof. Alex Liberzon, and his colleagues, Prof. Uri Shavit and Prof. Roi Gurka in Matlab, back in 1998. Since then the OpenPIV has branched to Matlab, C++, Python and focuses on the easy to get started, straightforward, extendable Particle Image Velocimetry for all.

OpenPTV - an open source 3D (three-dimensional) Particle Tracking Velocimetry software. It was originally written by the Institute of Hydromechanics and the Institute of Geomatics at the ETH Zurich, and since then released by Prof. Alex Liberzon (a postdoc during 2003-2006 and a visiting professor) and the colleagues that formed an OpenPTV Consortium.

Moth-inspired odor navigation in turbulent environment is an open problem. We have developed an open source simulator based on another open source package, pompy, to provide a framework for open, reproducible and high fidelity studies of airborne self-propelled navigators. Follow the link

Background oriented Schlieren
with OpenPIV
Prof. Settles initiated the joint research that led to the OpenPIV implementation of the BOS (background oriented schlieren) method in an axisymmetric high speed turbulent jet
The Deepnote Jupyter notebook [link] demonstrates the method and links to the open data [link]

Modeling the growth and sporulation dynamics of the macroalga Ulva in mixed-age populations in cultivation and the formation of green tides
​Together with our colleagues working on environmental problems, biology and population modeling we developed a model that could help solve important environmental issues such as green tides and help blue economy efforts.
Link to the software https://github.com/alexliberzonlab/mixed_age_algae_population_modeling/tree/1.0

Open source Particle Image Velocimetry post-processing based on Python , xarray and Matplotlib