"Great things in experimental research are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people." – Steve Jobs
We are hiring
We are always looking for outstanding team members, including undergraduate research assistants, summer interns, and M.Sc./Ph.D./postdocs. Please visit our research page and check out our publications to see if our research directions interest you. You can also find specific topics under the "Team -- Open Positions" menu.
Prof Alex Liberzon
Alex has joined the School of Mechanical Engineering in 2006, after the postdoc at the Institute of Hydrodynamics at ETH Zurich and Ph.D. at the Technion (2003).
The research interests are related to experimental fluid dynamics, with the special focus on turbulent flows. More specifically, the major goal is to understand the subtle changes of turbulence structure in the flows with external influences or additives, e.g. stratification, two-phase particle-laden flows, dilute polymers, etc. In addition, Alex is promoting the open source software and open science. Additional research topics outside of small scale turbulence are in the fields of complex (pulsating, unsteady) flows in biology and medicine.
Ivan Litvinov
Dr. Ivan Litvinov is a senior researcher at a joint appointment with Prof. Slava Krylov's laboratory, co-developing the next-generation MEMS flow sensors. More about Ivan on his LinkedIn page
Lior Shig
Lior Shig is the Ph.D. student, working on the problem of pollutant dispersion in urban canopy flows as a part of the PAZY sponsored project in collaboration with the Technion and the Israel Institute of Biological Research Environmental Wind Tunnel team.
Almog Greenberg
Almog Greenberg is the M.Sc. student on a direct track, working on navigation in turbulent environments based on active hydrodynamic sensing
Dema Morad
Dema Morad is our undergraduate research assistant on the natural convection effect on the index of refraction and background oriented schlieren methods.
Ran Soffer
Ran Soffer holds a M.Sc. degree from the Technion, joined our lab on March 2023 to work on the experimental study of turbulent boundary layers in rough corrugated channels, Co-supervised by Dr. Yossi Elimelech. More about Ran on his Linkedin profile
Evyatar Ohayon
Evyatar Ohayon holds an M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering and joined our lab on March 2023 to work on experiments in sports engineering. More about him on his profile on LinkedIn
Roi Feldenkreis
Roi Feldenkreis works on the OpenPTV v2.0, developing in Python the next generation of the open source particle tracking velocimetry system. See his profile
Osher Stamker
Osher is working on her M.Sc. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Shai Avidan from EE. Her main goal is to develop a next-generation 3D calibration and stereo-vision. Her profile on Linkedin is here